Custom products

Custom made products

LUBSTAR co-operates with many oil manufacturers in Western Europe, especially Germany. In collaboration with these partners, we can have oil produced for you on the basis of your technical order which will fulfill all your requirements and which may not be available in our standard range. This could be, for example, form - release oils used in construction, special oils for metal work, anti-corrosive oils or special plastic lubricants and many other products.

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We can also look at requests for special packs for oils under the brand name of the machine, car, motor or other equipment manufacturer. Many machine manufacturers today offer oil as a replacement part during services and they have this oil under their own brand in their range of spare parts. LUBSTAR co-operates with many manufacturers and we produce unique products for them in collaboration with our suppliers.

Get in touch with our specialists and we will come to your company and offer you a solution according to your requirements.