

Houghton was founded in 1856 in the United States of America (Valley Forge, Pennsylvania) and currently forms an international group owning its own plants with representatives in more than 35 countries worldwide. Houghton is a family company whose headquarters are in Boston.

Houghton has been operating in Europe since 1984 and the European headquarters are responsible for a network of companies and business representatives who co-operate in Europe. Houghton Europe is first and foremost responsible for product development and conforming to EU standards and norms. It thus guarantees customers the benefits of new technologies together with being able to meet current legal and business standards.


Houghton’s mission is to supply industry with high quality, technically specialised products while providing global servicing for its products. Its products and servicing fully comply with the requirements of demanding customers and meet all health, safety and environmental regulations. Houghton’s goal is to continue to maintain a leading position in its branch of global industry. Houghton is continually and systematically improving the quality of its products and modernising its technical service to ensure that each of its customers is provided with better production quality and a reduction in manufacturing costs.

Although you won’t find the Houghton logo on parts, metal plates or cars, Houghton products are always present during all phases of technical manufacturing processes. Rolling and moulding oil are used for cold and hot rolling and metalworking. The metal is later worked on using Houghton brand quenching media. This process is followed by cleaning using cleaners, and following quenching and secondary cleaning, the parts are treated with anti-corrosion protection. It is also possible that in the next phase, the parts are machined using Houghton cooling/lubricating (process) fluids. The final product is then cleaned again and treated against corrosion or given its final surface treatment. Every Houghton product has been designed to provide: greater output, improved safety, cost reductions, reduced negative impact on the environment and/or greater output quality of the client’s products.

Product range

Products of the future must fulfil both safety and environmental requirements and the need for increased production and profitability. As a result of introducing a range of water-soluble products, the use of mineral oils can be limited to only essential cases. Houghton’s scientific and development activities are focusing the company on natural, renewable and recyclable materials and the development of high quality additives. Modern products must meet long working life parameters, reducing waste and the need for further manufacturing. The new generation of bio-resistant and universally combinable coolants are Houghton’s answer to these demands. Continuous inspections in operations are also key to a product’s successful use and long life.

Czech Republic (Lubstar, a.s.)          Slovakia (Lubstar s.r.o.) 

Lubstar, a.s. Lubstar, a.s.